WAVE report on Work Package 3.1
Durability of WIM systems
in Cold Climates
The Work Package 3.1 report is now avaliable as a PDF file (2.77 Mb).
Work package WP 3.1 on Durability of WIM systems in Cold Climates dealt with the objectives included when testing the capability of existing and future WIM systems to operate effectively in cold, northern and mountainous climates under harsh conditions as well as testing existing calibration procedures in both temperate and cold climates. The work aims at the improvement of initial calibration methods and automatic self-calibration procedures, and will contribute to the WP3.2 of WAVE (Calibration of WIM systems).
The specific objectives of this test concerned the evaluation and reporting of the performance
and durability of existing and prototype WIM systems in cold climate conditions, with special
focus on the following points:
- durability of the WIM systems under harsh winter conditions,
- short and long term accuracy,
- overall rugged design of the sensor (resistance to cold temperatures and salt, possible resistance
to frost heave and the physical impact of snow ploughs),
- sensor behaviour in relation to variations in pavement temperature,
- sensor and electronics simplicity of installation, maintenance and repair,
- functionality in calibration procedure,
- telephone data transfer functionality,
- long time availability of the WIM systems,
- how easily improvements can be implemented by the manufacturers with regard to performance
and capability of the existing and prototype WIM systems (sensors, electronics
and software),
- improvement of the calibration procedures,
- comparison of road sensor WIM systems with a bridge WIM system.
The Final Report and other Work Package reports are available as hard copies or in electronic form as PDF files on the European WIM Web site or. See WAVE project Executive summary page for details.
Last updated on 10th of July, 2006, by A.Znidaric